Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Assignment 3 - Refined 300 Words Writing

The perception of graffiti has changed dramatically over the last decade. It is a subject that was often associated with social problems and urban degeneration, which requires substantial public resources in policing, cleaning and diversionary programs. As various documentation and study of graffiti started to surface at the turn of last decade, it s no longer understood as a soulless anarchic prank but a celebration of individual creativity and imagination. It is an instant social and political reflection within a specific context which draws our attention the most mundane elements of our built environment. Street artists actualise objective force in the material realm, as examplified in Melbourne exciting street art scene. Their diversity and individualism distinguishes them from those that perpetuate the singular worldview of a ruling class. It is an organic evolution of the street, where the ephemeral nature of graffiti allows them to become “legitimate” medium used to express one’s opinion and receive public response in the fastest possible way due to its instant accessibility.

If it is to say graffiti and street art is an act of detournement, then it is doubtless that it will be recuperated into mainstream culture; meanwhile a new form of “graffiti” will be generated to revolt and criticise the incorporated mainstream graffiti culture. These fluctuating acting and reacting forces is a constant struggle between the infringed and the authorised, which will continue to adjust, adopt and absorb. “Graffiti” will continue to be an art that speaks of a moment and captures a community’s imagination and this imagination, is the most fundamental, efficient and organic generative force to shape the exponential growth of today’s “hypertextual” urban landscape. 

Assignment 3 - Inspirational Videos


Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Assignment 3 - Related Articles

Complex relationship between 'détournement' and 'récuperation' in Melbourne's street (graffiti and stencil) art scene

200 Words Synopsis
Graffiti and street art has always been a complex subject to explore in an urban context. Whether it be a devastation of a clean neighbourhood, or artistic beautification of an abandoned building, its success/ failure all depends on the “right” application to a particular context. It is an act of detournement, where techniques used in advertising is employed by public to attack capitalism system itself. In reverse, recuperation is occuring in conjunction at the same time, where illegal forces are adopted and absorbed into the main stream society. These opposing and adjusting forces are the truest reflection of a society. It is a constant struggle between the infringed and the authority.

Melbourne has one of the most exciting street art in Australia, whether it be decorative, political or personal, its street artists actualise objective force in the material realm. Their diversity and individualism distinguishes them from those that perpetuate the singular worldview of a ruling class. It is an organic evolution of the street, where the ephemeral nature of graffiti allows them to become “legitimate” medium used to express one’s opinion and received public response in the fastest possible way because of the casualty and instant accessibility of street art.

 Janet McGaw, "Complex relationship between 'détournement' and 'récuperation' in Melbourne's street (graffiti and stencil) art scene", Architectural theory review: journal of the Department of Architecture, the University of Sydney, v.13, n.2 (2008): [222]-239.

Assignment 3 - Selected Theme

Complex relationship between graffiti and urbanisation

Draft 150 words

Graffiti is a subject that was often associated with social problems and urban degeneration, which requires substantial public resources in policing, cleaning and diversionary programs. However, if one tries to understand graffiti in an urban context, it becomes clear that graffiti is in fact the most genuine way in expressing political and social needs in a particular context, in an illicit way. Much graffiti draws our attention the most mundane elements of our built environment: the unremarkable architecture of factory walls, rear fences and lane ways; the pylons holding up freeways and railway overpasses; the ubiquitous infrastructure of signal boxes, traffic lights, electricity substations, sewer and stormwater outlets; waiting rooms and toilet walls. They draw our attention to those elements of the urban fabric that seem unremarkable and make them something to talk about. It is an illegal art that speak of a moment and capture a community’s imagination. 

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Assignment 2 - Final Video

Pixel Invasion

Assignment 2 - Final Storyboard

A zoomed version of the storyboard is also uploaded (as I realised somehow the storyboard is pixellated in such scale)

Scene 1 - Scene 5

Scene 6 - Scene 10

Scene 11 - Scene 15

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Peer Review

Assignment 2 - Sample Video

robot dancing
Superflat video

Assignment 2 - 150 Words

Virtual Reality

“Seeing is believing” - reality is often determined by our visual perception, in which we rely on our eyes to tell the “truth”.  Nowadays, ultra-real scenery can be easily generated with advanced computer programs, and everything can be virtual or real. Even in “reality”, a sense of virtuality can arise by manipulating the visual perception, or vice versa. Takashi Murakami’s concept of superflat, depth and reality is “created” by compressing layers of meanings and graphics into a flat “surface”, reversing the meaning of reality and virtuality. Reality, therefore, are relative and complementary to virtuality.

Fantasy, on the other hand, is by definition not “real”. However, it opens up infinite space for imagination which enables us to create “reality”, which a subtle flavour of virtuality is camouflaged into the real environment. Reality, hence, is often the resultant of the machinic process of optimising the existing (reality) and the imagined (virtuality) - a hypertextual picturesque. It is the systemic delay between “virtuality” and “reality” which allows our imagination to sprout and extend beyond the realm of reality, creating something truly “fantastic”.

Assignment 2 - 15 Inspirations

street art
mixed reality
domino effect
systemic delay
2D-3D space
compressed depth
superflat (video)
2D/3D ambiguity

photography-based animation
twisted reality
twisted perception
2D and 3D relationship

Assignment 2 - 100 words Reviews

Review on Systemic Delay

A contemporary architectural solution is an articulation of an abstract idea to its concrete form through exploiting its generative potentials, balancing opposing forces fields and advancing design with conceptual diagrams. The complexity of architecture and actaulisation of the idea, however, depends largely on the “systemic delay” between conception and realisation, which allows infinite creativity in which ideas are articulated. With the aid of high-end computer programs, the processes are often non-linear and forms are often not pre-determined but “found” through compromising numerous simple interrelated systems that deals with aspects of design in vastly different ways. This process of optimisation, is what exploits the generative potential of systemic delay and breaks the conventional mold of architectural making.

Review on Hypertextual Picturesque

Architectural ideas are often a recycled product of the past which “reinvents” an old idea with a contemporary twist. While the scenic representation of English picturesque may seems inadequate and nostalgic to contemporary society, by looking at it at a different perspective, new idea may be born which changes the gameplay in an inconceivable way in similar way that gave rise to the white boxes in Modernism. 

With an evolving society driven by economy and efficiency, fully utilising the existing "landscape" is as essential as the intervention itself. Contemporary architectural intervention should aim to achieve a mosaic “hypertextual picturesque” quality - an image composed of different interwoven systems operating on various scales and aspects, reacting and interacting with each other to achieve an optimised output - in order to encounter the fast-pace change of the contemporary society.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Assignment 1 - Image references

Assignment 1 - 7 movies








Assignment 1 - FINAL Seven Words + Sketches









Assignment 1 - Synopsis of "The Machines in Architectual Thinking"

Architecture has always been a complex outcome of the propagation between the pragmatic and the abstract. Galileo’s concept of mechanical efficiency revolutionized the way architecture were made and used, even since that machines have become an integral part of architectural design. However, with parametric design triumphing the age of 21st century where forms are “found” by complex algorithms, has machines overwhelmed the architects? Is divinatory architecture eradicated from the scene?

The freedom, harmony and purity of nature has remained seductive to architects of the time, evident in the trend of biomimicry in the pursuit of nature-inspired designs.
With architecture evolving and changing, the role of contemporary architects have in fact “evolved” into “machines” in architectural thinking, which constantly innovate and adjust themselves to optimize the abstract idea and mechanical efficiency through the choice of materiality, structural adequacy and conceptual competence. The true beauty of architecture, is neither the maximised efficiency and cleanness praised by the Functionalists, nor the blind analogous natural forms, but an optimised balance of the two conflicting but complementary pair.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The Seven Words








Single Word

background image from: 

Review on "The Machines in Architectural Thinking" by Liane Lefaivre and Alexander Tzonis

Architecture has always been a complex outcome of the propagation between the concrete and the abstract. In the archaic age architecture was divinatory, governed by “divine” geometries and forms analogous to a “perfect” prototype, which its success lied within the application of the “correct” analogy and not through formal intellectual analyses. Galileo’s concept of mechanical efficiency revolutionized the way machines were made. Machines were no longer built to “overwhelm the spectator” but a device to maximise efficiency. Mechanical aesthetic peaked its glory in the age of Functionalism, where design are stripped of ornaments and aesthetic is derived from the mechanical cleanness and execution. 

Today, Functionalism is history and with biomimcry as the upcoming trend, the freedom, harmony and purity of nature remains seductive to architects of the time. With architecture evolving and changing, contemporary architects should act as “machines” in architectural thinking, which constantly innovate and adjust themselves to optimize the abstract idea and mechanical efficiency through the choice of materiality, structural adequacy and conceptual competence. The true beauty of architecture, is neither the maximised efficiency and cleanness praised by the Functionalists, nor the blind analogous natural forms, but an optimised balance of the two conflicting but complementary pair.

Week 1 Task - Test Animations

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in uploading my animations. Last 2 weeks has been a painful time for me as I am totally new to 3D Max and there is just way too many buttons in 3D Max... Still trying to familiarise myself with the interface!

Anyway, here are my 5 images:

 and 2 animations: